
The Quinnipiac University Poll

But in Ohio, three polls in recent days give some insight to what the typical voter for a Mitt Romney, a Rick Santorum, a Newt Gingrich, or a Ron Paul looks like.Burberry sunglasses, burberry scarves, burberry shoes 2012


Here are some educated guesses, based on polling data from Quinnipiac University and the University of Cincinnati's Ohio Poll.

Romney supporters wealthier, more educated

He or she is likely to be a mainstream Republican -- conservative, certainly, but closer to the middle than the right wing of the party, particularly on social issues and issues of government spending and taxes.

And those are the kind of Republicans who are more likely to take seriously the endorsements of GOP politicians they have supported in the past. Romney leads the pack among Ohio GOP voters who describe themselves as moderates, while he did less well among self-described conservatives -- trailing Santorum among those voters by double-digits.

He is likely to be better www.buymyfavorite.com educated than the average Gingrich or Paul voter; the Ohio Poll showed him only slightly behind Santorum among college graduates. The typical Ohio Romney voter is probably a suburbanite, but the notion that Romney has unqualified support from the wealthiest among us doesn't hold water. He and Santorum are dead even among Ohioans who make $100,000 a year or more, according to Quinnipiac.

Santorum appeals to evangelicals

If you were to construct the typical Santorum voter in Ohio, you would come up with a male, born-again evangelical Christian who is a regular and enthusiastic supporter of his local tea party organization.

Voters who fit that description are why Santorum, who barely registered in the poll a few months ago, has been ahead of Romney in the Ohio polls, although a Friday Quinnipiac poll had that lead shrinking.

Look at Santorum's support among self-identified tea party supporters: one of every two supports the former senator from Pennsylvania. No one else is even close. That Santorum supporter, according to the polls, is more likely to be male and more likely to be among the oldest GOP voters. In the Ohio Poll, he registered 20 percentage points higher than Romney among those 65 or older.

Gingrich has youngest base

For an old political warhorse, the typical burberry ties Gingrich supporter is very young.

Many were either not yet born or more interested in the Saturday morning cartoons than politics when he became speaker of the House in 1995.

According to the Ohio Poll, Gingrich is by far the leader among voters ages 18 to 29. And for all his reputation as the most policy wonkish of the candidates, Gingrich does well among Ohio voters who have not finished high school -- 25 percent support, according to the Ohio Poll, the same as Santorum.

One in five tea party voters support him, which is more than Romney or Paul can say.

Ron Paul backers libertarian, male

There is a strand of libertarianism that runs through the right wing of the Republican Party, a strand of the-less-government-the-better and what government there is should butt out of people's personal lives.

That is where the typical Ron Paul supporter stands. His support amounted to 11 percent in both the Ohio Poll and the Quinnipiac Poll.

In only one demographic category does Paul's support reach 18 percent, and that is among voters ages 30 to 45.Burberry bags, burberry ties, burberry watches cheap on


There is a faction of the tea party movement that supports Paul strongly, but in the single digits in both polls.

One thing can be said, though -- the polls show the Paul voter is twice as likely to be male as female.

The polls

The Ohio Poll, conducted by the University of Cincinnnati's Institute for Policy Research, interviewed 542 Ohio Republican primary voters Feb. 16-26. The margin of error is plus or minus 4.2 percentage points.

The Quinnipiac University Poll, released Feb. 27, surveyed 842 likely Republican primary voters Feb. 23-26. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.4 percentage points.

The Quinnipiac University Poll cheapburberryoutlet2012 released Friday, surveyed 517 likely Republican primary voters Wednesday and Thursday. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.3 percentage points.

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