
Gay marriage advocates are hoping that young voters

Maryland's governor signed into law burberry ties Thursday a bill to legalize same-sex marriage, although opponents vowed to rally voters to reverse the change this fall in a referendum that's even anticipated by advocates of the new law.

"Religious freedom was the very reason for our state's founding and at the heart of religious freedom is the freedom of individual conscience," Gov. Martin O'Malley said before signing the legislation that made Maryland the eighth state in the United States to legalize gay marriage. The law takes effect in 2013.

Six states and the District of Columbia currently recognize gay marriages. The state of Washington also has legalized gay marriage - its law takes effect in June. Voters there also are expected to petition the measure to referendum this fall.

Maine legalized the unions for same-sex couples in 2009, but later that year became the only state to overturn such a law passed by a legislature. About 30 states have constitutional amendments that seek to prohibit gay marriage, most by defining marriage as between a man and a woman.

To put the measure on the November burberry bags sale ballot, opponents of the new Maryland law will have to collect nearly 56,000 valid voter signatures, equivalent to 3 percent of the people who cast ballots in the 2010 gubernatorial election. Last week, opponents submitted draft language for a ballot referendum to overturn the gay marriage measure after it passed in the Legislature.

Gay marriage advocates are hoping that young voters - whom they expect to support their cause - will turn out for President Obama in November's elections, just as they did in 2008.

Some observers have noted the push to overturn the new law will heavily rely on members of black churches. Many African American church leaders oppose gay marriage in the liberal-leaning state that's nearly one-third black, and Obama's re-election campaign is expected to drive many of their congregants to the polls.

Crews cleared splintered plywood burberry sunglasses and smashed appliances from small-town neighborhoods Thursday, a day after tornadoes killed 13 people in the Midwest and South. But the forecast held a menacing possibility: More twisters may be coming, and they could be even stronger.

Damaged communities tried to take advantage of the brief break in the weather, mindful of one meteorologist's warning that by today, both regions would again be "right in the bull's-eye."

Skies were sunny in the southern Illinois community of Harrisburg, where Darrell Osman considered the potential impact if yet another twister were to hit Harrisburg, where his mother and five others were killed.

"On a personal level, I think I've burberry shoes outlet been hit as hard as I can be hit, but it would be disheartening for this community," Osman said.

National Weather Service meteorologist Beverly Poole said severe storms are expected to roll through the region again after midnight Thursday and linger into early today. Then yet another system is expected to arrive this afternoon. Both rounds of violent weather carry the potential of more tornadoes.

The weather service planned to cheapburberryoutlet2012 bring a severe-weather specialist to the region's command center to provide up-to-the-minute information before and during the storms.

Ryan Jewell, a meteorologist with the Storm Prediction Center, said both the Midwest and South will be directly in the danger zone.

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