
The decision could pave the way for a new trial on the question

Hollie Cavanagh, the pint-sized blondie with the funny accent and the big voice, was eliminated on "American Idol" tonight, and although she was one of my favorite louis vuitton shoes contestants this season, this was the only result that would have made sense this week. After last night's second round of songs where Phillip Phillips, Joshua Ledet and Jessica Sanchez gave fantastic performances, Hollie's good-but-not-great showing with Bonnie Raitt's "I Can't Make You Love Me" was the final nail in the coffin. There is some irony in the fact that the song that began the "Idol" journey for Season Four winner Carrie Underwood was the end for Hollie, a big fan of Carrie's who sang "Jesus Take The Wheel" a few weeks back. Her version of the country-pop hit was only one of many quality performances with which the 18-year-old from Texas (and England) wowed the judges and voter nation. Her renditions of "Reflection" by Christina Aguilera and "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus come to mind. Her pure, almost classic voice was always her calling card, but for Hollie, a lack of confidence and emotional connection often kept her from delivering the whole package. Her Holliepops — a nickname given to Hollie's fans — women louis vuitton shoes fashion best online discount purple will undoubtedly sob over the news of Hollie hitting the high road, but after several bottom-three scares, some will say it was amazing that Hollie lasted this long. Hollie's best performance, in my opinion, can be found here. No bottom threes or twos this week. Instead Ryan Seacrest revealed one-by-one who would be heading home to be treated like kings in their hometowns and who would simply be headed home. In the end, Phillip Phillips and Hollie were left, with Hollie being revealed as the low vote-getter. As her final bow, she sang "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus, another ironic tune for Hollie. In her first audition in 2010, a nervous Hollie sang "The Climb," sending her to Hollywood for the first time. Nearly two years later, a more mature, confident performer sang the same song, only to countless fans across the country and her crying co-contestants. A fitting end to a the "Idol" chapter of Hollie's life, but something tells me this only just the beginning for, as Will.I.Am called her, "little tinkerbell." With a possibility of Colton Dixon still hanging around, I'd have to say that the Top 3 this season is pretty much in line with the level of talent each remaining contestant possesses. At this point, I can see any of the remaining three — Phillip Phillips, Jessica Sanchez and Joshua Ledet — winning at this point, but in my gut, I see Phillip and Jessica in the final. For as good as Joshua is, I don't think he has the same backing that the other two do. But this is just my rambling. What did you think? Did Hollie deserve to go home? Comment below. Oracle failed to convince a federal judge in an intellectual property case that Google Inc. unfairly used its technology in the search engine provider's Android software for mobile devices. On Wednesday U.S. District Judge William Alsup burberry handbags outlet in San Francisco denied Oracle's request for a ruling that could have established that Google is liable for copyright infringement. Oracle asked Alsup for a judgment in its favor on "fair use" after a jury found that Google infringed parts of its Java programming language and deadlocked on whether the copying constituted fair use. Liability rests on whether there was fair use, Alsup said after the jury reached a verdict Monday. "I don't think it would be right," Alsup said at a hearing Wednesday. The decision could pave the way for a new trial on the question of whether Google's infringement makes it liable for as much as $1 billion in damages for using parts of Java to develop Android without paying for a license. The legal doctrine of fair use states that anyone can use copyrighted work without consent of the owner under certain circumstances, such as for teaching, in news reporting and commentary or to advance the public interest by creating something new. Monday's jury verdict came in the first phase designer burberry cheap bags for women brown sale of an eight-week trial that began April 16. The jury is hearing testimony this week on Oracle's claims that Google also infringed two Java patents. The last phase of the trial will deal with damages.

