
I didn’t mean them that way and will remove them from twitter

Happy Galaxy Nexus Day, Sprint fans! Or louis vuitton sunglasses soon-to-be fans. While the good news is that you can finally get your hands on one of the more highly rated Android phones around, you won't be able to tap into the full capabilities of Samsung's smartphone just yet. Why's that? Sprint is still in the process of rolling out a 4G LTE network to match the Galaxy Nexus' connection capabilities. Which means that you're going to be stuck with a simpler 3G connection for the time being until Sprint begins its 4G LTE launch. Six cities are expected to go live with Sprint 4G LTE gucci sunglasses by the middle of the year, likely around June: Atlanta, Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, Kansas City, and Baltimore. And Sprint's party line is that it'll be able to cover 123 million users with 4G service by the end of the year, increasing to 250 million by the end of 2013. So what's the point of buying a 4G LTE smartphone before the network rolls out? Ignoring all of the device's accoutrements for a moment, which includes support for NFC payments through Google Wallet (an app sadly missing from the Verizon-based Galaxy Nexus) and a tighter integration of Google Voice, the Galaxy Nexus is actually quite a bit cheaper to order on Sprint than it is on burberry handbags competing Verizon. If you're going through Sprint directly, the new Galaxy Nexus costs a mere $200 with a new two-year service agreement. That's all of $100 cheaper than a similar arrangement through Verizon, but it's still not the best deal around. The third-party shop Wirefly is listing Sprint's Galaxy Nexus for $150 (same two-year service deal applies for new customers or upgrades). That's great news for Sprint customers (or to-be customers) looking to save a bit of cash when switching over to the Galaxy Nexus, but not something you might want to brag about to your Verizon-leaning friends. A Galaxy Nexus and a new two-year agreement on Verizon costs a mere $50 on Wirefly; only existing Verizon customers upgrading to a Galaxy Nexus have to pay the full $150. Also joining Sprint's family today is the four-inch LG Viper ($99, direct from Sprint; $20-$50 from Wirefly) and the LG Optimus Elite, a 3.5-inch Android smartphone available burberry ties exclusively on Sprint for $30 (following a $50 mail-in rebate). Richard Grenell, a former Bush official, removed hundreds of Tweets and comments from his online profile this weekend after reporters zeroed in on his penchant for snarky comments about women in politics. “Hillary is starting to look liek (sic) Madeline Albright,” Grenell wrote on his Twitter page, comparing current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to the the first female secretary of state, who served under Bill Clinton. Grenell was tapped Thursday as a foreign policy spokesman for presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney. His knowledge of foreign affairs became irrelevant as reporters immediately began going through his Twitter comments and flagged some of his less chivalrous jibes. In a swipe at First Lady Michelle Obama, louis vuitton handbags an exercise buff who has led a national campaign against childhood obesity, he claimed she was “sweating on the East Room carpet” after working out. Grenell also zeroed in on GOP nominee Newt Gingrich’s wife Callista, wondering whether her “hair snaps on.” In a another tweet directed at Callista, Gingrich’s third wife, he said she “stands there like she is wife #1.” Grenell apologized for oakley sunglasses the comments Friday afternoon, and said he would remove the offensive notations. “My tweets were written to be tongue-in-cheek and humorous but I can now see how they can also be hurtful,” Grenell wrote Politico Friday after he was called on the carpet. “I didn’t mean them that way and will remove them from twitter. I apologize for any hurt they caused,” Grenell wrote. Some 800 tweets were then scrubbed from Grenell’s accounts 2012 marc jacobs fashion sunglasses bestseller on sale DUPO5787 between Friday and Sunday, noted Huffington Post media reporter monster beats solo Michael Calderone. MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, who Grenell said was a “dead ringer” for teenage heartthrob Justin Bieber, was not amused by the comments, nor appeased by his apology. On Friday’s show, she asked if Team Romney showed “any sign that they understand that a long string of really nasty, sexist tweets about Callista Gingrich’s appearance might be alienating to people who might otherwise consider voting for Mr. Romney,” the Huffington Post reported. The flap over the tweets followed some conservative Monster beats studio spider man red bue over the ear backlash on his selection since Grenell is openly gay.

