
Commonwealth found that most adults who sought out plans

Microsoft developer evangelist Nuno Silva apparently confused applications with devices when he claimed that users of Windows Phone 7 (aka Mango) would be able to upgrade louis vuitton shoes to Windows Phone 8 (aka Apollo).

Offering a mea culpa on his blog today, Silva said he was trying to echo Microsoft's own statements that existing Windows Phone apps would run under Apollo. But for some reason he gave the impression that current devices themselves would also be able to run the next version of Windows Phone.

"I mistakenly confused app compatibility with phone updateability, which caused the rumors we saw yesterday," Silva wrote. "I did not intend to give the impression I was offering new guidance on any products under development or their upgradeability."

The developer aroused hopes among the Windows Phone faithful by leading them to believe that Mango devices would be eligible to receive the Apollo upgrade. But various sources have been insisting for a while that there is no upgrade path.

Windows Phone 7 currently supports only single-core processors and WVGA screens. But reports claim that Microsoft will move to dual-core chips and higher-resolution screens in the next version, leaving current devices unable to handle Apollo's higher-end requirements.

Microsoft itself has refused to confirm or deny whether Mango devices can move to Apollo. Reflecting Silva's corrected comments, the company's recent statement also focused solely on app compatibility: "We have stated publicly that all apps in our marketplace today will run on the next burberry sunglasses version of Windows Phone. Beyond that, we have nothing to share about future releases."

So it seems buyers of the popular Nokia Lumia 900 and other current Windows Phone 7 handsets won't be able to lift off to Apollo. That factor that may prove disappointing to hardcore users but isn't likely to have much impact on Windows Phone sales at this point.

Twenty-six percent of American adults were uninsured for a period of time in 2011, a new study by The Commonwealth Fund shows — and for the most part, people went without burberry outlet health insurance because they lost or switched jobs.

It’s one of the problems the health care reform law was intended to solve, and one of the study’s authors said the problem could become less serious in 2014 — if the law survives.

Almost seven out of 10 of these adults who had gaps in coverage went without it for a year or more, the study said. Americans who had gaps in insurance were more likely to miss regular preventive care screenings and not have a designated physician.

“The longer people are without health insurance, the more estranged they become from the health system,” Commonwealth Fund researchers wrote.

For those without coverage, the individual insurance burberry bags market doesn’t provide much help because “the individual market for most Americans is neither affordable nor easy to navigate,” the study’s authors wrote.

Commonwealth found that most adults who sought out plans in the individual market found it costly and difficult to compare benefits. Forty-five percent of them ended up without a health plan.

The study concludes that provisions in the Affordable Care Act — such as allowing adults under age 26 to remain on their parents’ insurance, expanding Medicaid, louis vuitton handbags creating insurance exchanges and reforming the insurance market — can increase continuous insurance coverage among Americans.

Implementation of the Affordable Care Act will “mean that people who lose their health benefits will be able to turn to a range of affordable insurance options that will enable them to gain insurance immediately rather than enduring months or years without coverage,” the oakley sunglasses researchers wrote.

In a call with reporters, representatives from The Commonwealth Fund said the report highlighted important provisions of the ACA.

“Clearly, the law is targeted on problems that people Rayban fashion sunglasses online cheap sale DJYKIU60 experience when they lose employer-based coverage,” said Sara Collins, Commonwealth’s vice president for affordable health insurance and the lead author of the report. “Obviously, things will change dramatically in 2014 if the law stays in place.”

The study, conducted online by Knowledge Networks for The Commonwealth Fund, was completed by a total of 2,134 adults between the ages of 19 and 64. The margin of error is plus or beats by dr dre minus 3 percentage points.

