
But it's what follows New Year's Eve that could limit the revelry

A Saturday's New Year's Eve party on South Beach that also is doubling as LeBron James' birthday party, with the Heat forward turning 27 Friday.

According to moncler jackets the New York Post, James, Dwyane Wade, Chris Bosh and their significant others will be among the 50 or so at the Shelborne Hotel, with a post-dinner Lauryn Hill concert to follow.

But it's what follows New Year's Eve that could limit the revelry. The Heat not only have back-to-back home games on Sunday and Monday, against the Charlotte Bobcats and Atlanta Hawks, but then leave later in the week for a weeklong coast-to-coast trip that includes a New Jersey-San Francisco flight.

"They don't have a curfew," James said with a smile of his teammates at Saturday's dual celebration, "but we'll be ready come Sunday."

James, in fact, said he has cut back on the nightlife because of the compressed post-lockout schedule.

"I've already done that," he said. "There have been times when I may have wanted to go out and have dinner and I wound up on my couch, getting off my feet, instead."

Considering what he already has been through as a pro, James was asked before Friday night's game against the Minnesota Timberwolves if he felt 27 going on 47.

"Man, I've been around. I'm a vet now, a seasoned vet, honestly, my ninth year," he said. "I'm very humbled I'm able to be here. I'm very blessed."

Beasley's bane

Wade offered a somewhat measured take when asked about where former Heat teammate Michael Beasley stands amid his NBA second chance with the Timberwolves.

"Michael is an unbelievable talent," Wade said. "He can erupt any game, any moment. The ability that he has, to use both hands around the basket, finishing, his jump shot, I mean, he has all the tools.

"I think with Michael, it's just going to take him to continue to grow with the game, get into a winning environment and start understanding what this team needs from him. He's a good player. He's one of the best young moncler sale talents that we have in this game. But he has the potential to be a great player, if he wants it. That's what we always told him in Miami."

Asked where he currently stands, Beasley, dealt by the Heat to Minnesota in July 2010, said, "I'm still the same-old Mike, you all just see me a little different than past years, every year different, a little more disliked."

Remembering Barea

The lasting memory for the Heat of J.J. Barea will remain his breakout performance against the Heat with the Dallas Mavericks in the 2011 NBA Finals. Barea did not play Friday because of a hamstring issue.

Barea considered signing with the Heat in free agency before agreeing to a four-year, $19 million contract with Minnesota.

"He had a tremendous impact in the Finals," Heat coach Erik Spoelstra said. "He's a very good basketball player that now has been rewarded for his play in this league.

"He was a game-changer, there's no doubt about it, because of his ability to get into the paint, create opportunities on random situations, situations you couldn't necessarily prepare for."

Been there

Both of the Heat point guards were obtained from the Timberwolves in draft-night deals, Mario Chalmers in 2008 and Norris Cole last June. Cole actually was selected by the Chicago Bulls with the No. 28 pick in the first round, dealt to the Timberwolves and then forwarded to the Heat within minutes on draft night.

"To be honest with you," Cole said, "my agent, he was well-informed. He just told me to be patient, because people were making moves and then when it was all said and done, it was the Heat. I knew something was going on."Moncler mens jackets, cheap moncler jackets for men, 70% off.

Cole came to the Heat at the cost of the first pick of the 2011 second round that the Heat had earlier obtained from the Timberwolves in the Beasley trade, cash and a 2014 second-round pick.


I see him off the field act the way you would want a major leaguer

During a 15-minute interview on MLB Network Radio, Valentine spoke about the recent acquisitions of reliever Mark Melancon moncler jackets and closer Andrew Bailey.

"The deals were in the hands of Ben and his baseball department and I think they've done a heck of a job of being patient, of being diligent, knowing what they want and going after it," Valentine said. "These two guys begin to fill a very big void that it seemed like we had after (Jonathan) Papelbon left and (Daniel) Bard was given an opportunity to go into the starting staff, along with (Alfredo) Aceves, and all of a sudden we went from the cupboard being bare to a cupboard that's plentiful, and we're all excited about."

Valentine and Bailey know each other well off the field as both reside in Connecticut.

Bailey and former A's teammate Craig Breslow, who is a native of Connecticut, formed the Strike 3 Foundation, which raises money for pediatric cancer research, and Valentine was the emcee for its annual event the past two years.

"I see him off the field act the way you would want a major leaguer, or for that matter a son or father to act," Valentine said. "He really is an upstanding young man and when I watched him on video, or I watched him on television during his career, I've been extremely impressed with his competitiveness and his ability to get both right- and left-handed hitters out. Hopefully, like he said, he's going to be healthy as this year comes on, and if he is, he's going to be a big plus to the Boston Red Sox."

With the presence of both Bailey and Melancon, it gives the Red Sox an opportunity to move Bard into a starter's role, at least to begin spring training and see what happens from there. It's not a guarantee that Bard will end up in the rotation.

"The first I heard of this was in my first moncler vest interview with Ben when we went through the roster and Ben was telling me some of the things he knew about the players, and I mentioned some of the things I thought about the players," Valentine said.

"From then, I got to talk with Daniel and some others in the organization, and Daniel is up for anything that's going to help the team and that's a real great thing for any player to say, but I think he says it with conviction. Yet, he also said, if that starting place is available, he'd like to have the opportunity to win the spot if all other things are equal. I said there's nothing wrong with coming to spring training, being mentally and physically ready to pitch multiple innings. In fact, if that doesn't work out, be ready for plan 1A and that would be where you've been the last couple of years. He was fine with that and so am I."

Another key component in the rotation is Clay Buchholz. The right-hander missed the majority of last season with a stress fracture in his lower back. If the Red Sox had reached the postseason, there was a strong possibility he would have been able to return in some role, likely out of the bullpen.

It was probably a good thing for Buchholz that he was able to continue his rehab, but he's telling Valentine he's ready to go.

"We are sure from his lips and our doctors' examinations that he's 100 percent healthy," Valentine said. "But he has not been time tested off the mound. He hasn't gone through the rigors of spring training, nor of a major league season. He's going to be watched closely, not only at the beginning, but at the end of 2012. Right now he says he feels great and I hope to get a chance to see him this weekend.

"I'm not asking him to do any pushups or situps or anything, but I'll be able to look into his eye and when he tells me he feels great I'll know that he's telling the truth. Cheap moncler scarves caps, 2011 moncler accessories for sale.Then we'll take it one step at a time. I don't think he's a guaranteed 200-innings guy right now, but it sure would be nice if he delivered that."


Researchers also want Grail to raise public awareness about the moon

NASA's twin Grail spacecraft are slated to start circling the moon one day apart, with Grail-A arriving on Saturday moncler jackets and Grail-B following on Sunday. The two probes will then fly around the moon in tandem, mapping the lunar gravity field in unprecedented detail and helping scientists better understand how the moon formed and evolved.

"This mission will rewrite the textbooks on the evolution of the moon," Grail principal investigator Maria Zuber, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said in a statement.

Precision flying
The $496 million Grail mission (short for Gravity Recovery And Interior Laboratory) launched on Sept. 10 from Florida's Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.

The two washing-machine-size probes have taken their sweet time since, charting circuitous, energy-efficient courses that will get them to the moon after more than three months of flying. Contrast that with NASA's manned Apollo 11 mission, which prioritized speed and got there in three days back in 1969.

Grail-A and Grail-B won't be ready to start their science campaign immediately upon arriving at the moon. Rather, they'll spend another two months circling lower and lower, eventually settling into orbits just 34 miles above the lunar surface, researchers said.

The twin probes will begin taking measurements in March. They'll chase each other around the moon for 82 days, staying 75 to 225 miles apart. [ Video: Grail's Mission to Map Moon Gravity ]
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Regional differences in the moon's gravitational field will cause the two spacecraft to speed up or slow down slightly, changing the distance between them as they fly. Using microwave signals that they bounce back and forth to each other, Grail-A and Grail-B will gauge these distance variations constantly.

And they'll do so with incredible precision. The Grail probes will be able to determine how far apart they are from each other to moncler sale within a few microns — less than the width of a human red blood cell, researchers have said.

Mapping the moon's interior
The Grail team will use the twin probes' measurements to construct highly detailed maps of the lunar gravity field. These maps should help scientists plan out future lunar landings, of both robotic and manned spacecraft, officials have said.

And the mission's observations should yield other benefits as well.

Specifically, Grail's data should reveal the moon's structure in great detail, allowing scientists to draw insights about how the rocky body formed and how it has changed over time.

"Grail is a journey to the center of the moon," Zuber told reporters Wednesday (Dec. 28). The two probes' measurements, along with data collected by other spacecraft, she added, "will enable us to reconstruct the moon's early evolution."

This information, in turn, could shed light on how other large objects in the inner solar system came to be, researchers have said.

An extended mission?
Grail's primary science work should wrap up in June. But the Grail team hopes NASA grants the two spacecraft a mission extension through next December, Zuber said. She and her colleagues want to take Grail even lower, to just 15 miles or so above the lunar surface.

"I call it flying over the treetops of the moon," Zuber said of the proposed extended mission. "We will take the spacecraft down as low as we can, to map, have a sensitivity to the shallowest, shallowest structures of the lunar crust."

Researchers also want Grail to raise public awareness about the moon, and to help engage kids in math and science. To this end, special cameras aboard the probes will be used to encourage middle school students to participate in lunar research and follow along with Grail, during both its nominal mission and any extended campaign.Moncler bags outlet, buy cheap moncler 2011 new bags.

The so-called MoonKam project, which will snap photos of the lunar surface for students on Earth, is led by former NASA astronaut Sally Ride and her educational company Sally Ride Science.


Since rocketing from the Florida coast in September

Despite being well studied, Earth's closest neighbor remains an enigma.

Over the New Year's weekend, a pair moncler jackets of spacecraft the size of washing machines are set to enter orbit around it in the latest lunar mission. Their job is to measure the uneven gravity field and determine what lies beneath — straight down to the core.

Since rocketing from the Florida coast in September, the near-identical Grail spacecraft have been independently traveling to their destination and will arrive 24 hours apart. Their paths are right on target that engineers recently decided not to tweak their positions.

"Both spacecraft have performed essentially flawlessly since launch, but one can never take anything for granted in this business," said mission chief scientist Maria Zuber of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The nail-biting part is yet to come. On New Year's Eve, one of the Grail probes — short for Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory — will fire its engine to slow down so that it could be captured into orbit. This move will be repeated by the other the following day.

Engineers said the chances of the probes overshooting are slim since their trajectories have been precise. Getting struck by a cosmic ray may prevent the completion of the engine burn and they won't get boosted into the right orbit.

"I know I'm going to be nervous. I'm definitely a worrywart," said project manager David Lehman of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which manages the $496 million, three-month mission.

Once in orbit, the spacecraft will spend the next two months flying in formation and chasing one another around cheap moncler jackets the moon until they are about 35 miles above the surface with an average separation of 124 miles. Data collection won't begin until March.

Previous missions have attempted to measure lunar gravity with mixed success. Grail is the first mission dedicated to this goal.

As the probes circle the moon, regional changes in the lunar gravity field will cause them to speed up or slow down. This in turn will change the distance between them. Radio signals transmitted by the spacecraft will measure the slight distance gaps, allowing researchers to map the underlying gravity field.

Using the gravity information, scientists can deduce what's below or at the lunar surface such as mountains and craters and may help explain why the far side of the moon is more rugged than the side that faces Earth.

The probes are officially known as Grail-A and Grail-B. Several months ago, NASA hosted a contest inviting schools and students to submit new names. The probes will be christened with the winning names after the second orbit insertion, Zuber said.

Besides the one instrument on board, each spacecraft also carries a camera for educational purposes. Run by a company founded by Sally Ride, the first American woman in space, middle school students from participating schools can choose their own lunar targets to image during the mission.

A trip to the moon is typically relatively quick. It took Apollo astronauts three days to get there. Since Grail was launched from a relatively small rocket to save on costs, the journey took 3 1/2 months.

Scientists expect the mission to yield a bounty of new information about the moon, but don't count on the U.S. sending astronauts back anytime soon. Moncler women boots cheap sale, 2011 moncler winter boots outlet.The Constellation program was canceled last year by President Barack Obama, who favors landing on an asteroid as a stepping stone to Mars.


Gerhart has had the top three rushing days of his career in the past four weeks

Now, they hope his recuperative moncler jackets abilities are just as good and he is able to live up to being the highest-paid running back in the NFL.

Minnesota expects Peterson to be recovered from left knee surgery for two torn ligaments in time to start the 2012 season.

"We expect most people to recover from this injury in eight to nine months and instead of comparing Adrian to any other player at any level that's had an anterior cruciate ligament, and they happen every day, I would really like Adrian to stand on his own merit because Adrian, I feel, is very unique," Vikings head trainer Eric Sugarman said Monday.

"Adrian has a great work ethic. Adrian has the DNA to heal quickly, which he has shown in the past. He certainly will have the desire and the mental toughness to be able to get through the rehab process, which will take months and months, as you know. So, I think if anyone can get better quickly and safely in that time period, it would be Adrian Peterson."

Peterson tore his ACL and MCL when he was hit in the side of the knee by Washington Redskins safety DeJon Gomes in the third quarter of Saturday's 33-26 win at Washington. An MRI on Saturday evening revealed the ligament tears and meniscus damage, and Peterson will undergo surgery within the next seven to 10 days.

Backup Toby Gerhart, who started cheap moncler women vest three games earlier this season when Peterson was out with a high ankle sprain, will start Sunday in the season-finale against the Chicago Bears. A second-round pick in 2010, Gerhart has filled in well for Peterson and notched the first 100-yard rushing game of his career with 109 yards on 11 carries Saturday. But the Vikings expect Gerhart's time as the starter to be short-lived.

"He sets his goals extremely high and he's one of those guys who, when he puts his mind to it, there's no reason to ever doubt that he can achieve what he sets his mind to," Minnesota coach Leslie Frazier said of Peterson. "We're looking forward to his attacking this rehab like he's attacked every offseason, to come back and play and be even better than he was before. I know with Eric and our medical staff, they're going to do everything they can to get him back on the field and ready to go when we line up in that first football game next season."

Gerhart's emergence over the past month at least offers optimism if Peterson has to miss extended time next season.

Gerhart has had the top three rushing days of his career in the past four weeks. On his first carry after Peterson left Saturday's game, Gerhart showed some big-play ability of his own, busting free for a 67-yard run, the longest of his short career.

Believing Peterson will be moncler hsu chi jackets women 2011 sub-gloss black ready for the first game of 2012 and knowing Gerhart is available if needed, Frazier said the team wouldn't change its run-first offensive approach.


Thibodeau said similar words about Bryant

Taj Gibson and Joakim Noah blocked Kobe Bryant's shot at the buzzer to secure the victory.

The Bulls trailed moncler jackets 85-77 with 2 minutes remaining.

Rose led the Bulls with 22 points. Luol Deng added 21.

Kobe Bryant led the Lakers with 28 points, including a difficult fallaway jumper with 54.6 seconds remaining to push the lead to six. Noah had failed to secure the defensive rebound on the second of Josh McRoberts' two missed free throws, losing the ball out of bounds, to set up that possession.

Deng made it a one-possession game by grabbing his own rebound and converting a three-point play with 45.1 seconds left. Deng then pulled the Bulls within one with 20.4 seconds remaining by making two free throws after Bryant fouled him on a rebound of Bryant's miss.

Rose didn't score until sinking a jumper shortly after checking in following a close-to-eight-minute rest with 6 minutes, 57 seconds left in the first half. He sank two 2-pointers late in the half and scored 10 to tie Carlos Boozer and Luol Deng for team-high honors as the Bulls built a 56-49 halftime lead.

Hamilton picked up two fouls guarding Kobe Bryant before three minutes had elapsed in the first quarter. He first scored on a baseline jumper with 7:37 left in the half and finished the half with four points.Moncler shoes for men, cheap moncler men shoes 2011 sale, free shipping.

Omer Asik and C.J. Watson, who also sank two 3-pointers, played well off the bench as Joakim Noah also endured foul trouble.

Deng closed the first half in strong fashion, sinking a 3-pointer from the corner and converting a three-point-play on a fast-break feed from Rose with 1.4 seconds remaining.

Before the game, Lakers coach Mike Brown sounded worried about Rose. And Bulls coach Tom Thibodeau fretted about Kobe Bryant. Sounded like the lockout is over and it's time for the NBA season opener.

"He's so fast and explosive," Brown said of Rose. "He's obviously extremely athletic and intelligent, a hard worker. It's not going to be one guy to stay in front of him. It's going to be a team effort."

Thibodeau said similar words about Bryant, who had been shooting left-handed in practice because of the torn ligament in his right wrist but will indeed shoot right-handed.

"When you're guarding Kobe, it has to be our team," Thibodeau said. "You can't guard a guy like that individually. We have to cheap moncler winter boots 2011 new style blue purple make him work but you can't overcommit because he's such a great passer."

Hamilton started on Bryant.


As soon as they detect the jolly fat man approaching North America

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) has its 47 North Warning System radar installations moncler jackets pointed north, where they are watching for any signs Santa Claus has departed the North Pole.

Then, radar and satellite systems monitored by the Canadian Air Defence Sector Operations Centre at 22 Wing in North Bay, Ont. set their sets on the skies over Newfoundland and Labrador, where Santa and his sleigh are expected to enter Canadian airspace.

As soon as they detect the jolly fat man approaching North America, Captains Gregory Myers and Aaron Dhillon of 425 Tactical Fighter Squadron will be scrambled to welcome and escort him on the first leg of his Canadian delivery mission.

Deploying from 3 Wing Bagotville in Quebec, they'll fly their CF-18 Hornet fighter jets as official escorts while Santa makes his crucial deliveries across eastern Canada.

As Santa makes his way westward, the Commanding Officer of 410 Tactical Fighter Squadron, Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Hamilton, will be joined by Captain Corey Mask of 4 Wing Cold Lake, Alberta to assume escort duties over Western Canada.

Although the CF-18 has a top airspeed of Mach 1.8, the fighter jets are nowhere near as fast or manouverable as Santa's magical reindeer-powered sleigh.

Due to their longstanding relationship, moncler 2011 new men vests in blue outlet however, Santa will typically slow down enough to make contact with the escort jets.

To keep up with Santa's speedy progress, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) uses highly-secretive, geosynchronous satellite tracking technology. Even from their orbit at more than 36,000 kilometres above the Earth, the satellite's specially-calibrated infrared technology is able to detect the heat signature of Rudolph's glowing red nose.

To follow Santa's round-the-world journey, visit NORAD's purpose-built website www.noradsanta.org. Besides catching up on Santa's preparations for his whirlwind mission, visitors to the site can also watch exclusive video streams captured by strategically located "Santa cams" that NORAD maintains at locations worldwide.

These high-tech, high speed cameras are so fast they can actually capture high-resolution images that would otherwise appear to the naked eye as an impossibly fast-moving red streak.

Although this may seem to be a near-impossible technical feat, NORAD, and its predecessor Continental Air Defense Command, have been refining their methods of helping children and parents pinpoint Santa's location for more than 50 years.

It all began in 1955, cheap moncler jackets when a misprint in an advertisement inviting kids to phone Santa at the North Pole on Christmas Eve connected a young caller to a U.S. Air Force Colonel instead.

When Col. Harry Shoup realized the caller was inquiring about Santa's whereabouts, he ordered his staff to put their considerable expertise to use tracking the magical sleigh.

The operation has since grown into a year-round mission involving more than 1,500 NORAD staff and volunteers.


Lawyers say the number of complainants is growing rapidly

In a landmark 1998 study, investigators showed rhesus monkeys could differentiate between the number of objects in a group moncler jackets and put them into ascending order. The ability was thought to apply only to humans and other primates, until now.

Damian Scarf from the University of Otago in Dunedin and his colleagues trained pigeons to do similar work, and they turned out to be just as deft as the monkeys. Given 35 three- item numerical lists, the pigeons could respond to them in order, first recognizing the single item, then two item groups, then three-item groups. They were also able to match pairs based on the number of items, even when they weren’t familiar with the objects, the report published in the journal Science found.

“Our results demonstrate a correspondence in the way monkeys and pigeons represent numbers and in their ability to acquire an abstract ordinal rule,” the researchers said. “Our results suggest that, at least with respect to numerical competence, pigeons are on par with primates and are well perched to inform us about the selection pressures and neural structures required for abstract numerical cognition.”

The investigators said they aren’t sure if pigeons and monkeys acquired their math skills from a shared common ancestor or if the numerical competence evolved independently.

“Irrespective of its origin, the results of the present experiment adds to a growing body of work demonstrating that birds possess a number of abilities that were, at one point in time, considered primate unique, such as episodic memory and the use and manufacture of tools,” the researchers said. “Indeed, cheap moncler scarves caps over the past two decades, the intellectual status of birds has risen markedly.”

French authorities are expected to formally announce that up to 30,000 women who received breast implants in France can have them taken out.

But UK regulators have insisted there is no link with cancer and there is no need for women to have them removed.

Lawyers acting for women who are suing UK clinics over health concerns linked to breast implants have launched a stinging attack on the medical regulator.

They have accused the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) of failing to take action to deal with complaints and for dismissing serious health problems linked to the devices.

More than 270 women in the UK intend to sue those clinics where they underwent surgery to be fitted with the implants, manufactured by French company Poly Implant Prostheses (PIP), which has now closed.

Lawyers say the number of complainants is growing rapidly and they have lodged class action cases.

The implants have been linked to the death of a French woman from a rare form of cancer called anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), and are implicated in another seven or eight cancer cases.

The implants are filled with an moncler jackets 2011 outlet unapproved non-medical grade silicone believed to be made for mattresses and there have been reports that the protective barriers are faulty.

Figures from the MHRA suggest 84,300 PIP implants have been sold in the UK since 2001.


Microsoft will decline to provide a keynote speech or booth at CES

Last night's performance finale featured random celebrity duets (so that we could hear the Top 3 drowned out moncler jackets by actual famous people) and a reprise of the finalists' audition songs (so that we could hear the Top 3 sing something we already knew they could sing). It was thrilling. My favorite parts of the show were Steve Jones' awkward interviews with crazy people who could barely hear him in the contestants' hometowns and the dark chocolate cinnamon roll atop Nicole Scherzinger's head. Now and forever, I will always think of its potential secrets.

Let's get to the songs! First up we had Josh Krajcik attempting Alanis Morissette's "Uninvited" in a creepy black-and-white enchanted forest that, in a very good way, resembled an Edward Gorey illustration come to life. Wouldn't you know it -- that's where Alanis herself has been living this whole time! Alanis (you may know her as God) emerged from the woods with her shiny hair and huge voice just to sing with our former burrito slinger. Was it just me or did Josh sound like he was auditioning for the opera here? I appreciated his ability to harmonize; it just seemed like he was concentrating so hard on getting it right that he ended up holding back.

Next up was Chris Rene, joined onstage by…Avril Lavigne. With the black and green strobe lights and two wildly different performers -- she yelling, he whispering -- this performance was almost as "Complicated" as Denise Richards. I was especially confused when Chris yelled "THE MOMENT YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR….AVRIL LAVIGNE!" And here I'd thought we'd all been waiting to hear the best solo performances our Top 3 acts could offer. I'm seriously such a moron. I look like a fool to me-ee-eeeee. Anyway, Avril completely Women - moncler jackets drowned Chris out and how could she not? He's got a weak voice.

No mattah! "It isn't about note-for-note being perfect," said Paula. "The light around you was so flippin' infectious," said The Girl With a Draggin' Hairdo. "That could be a record," offered Simon. "That could be a number one hit," L.A. corrected him. Four yeses!

Starting in 2013, however, Microsoft will decline to provide a keynote speech or booth at CES.

“We have decided that this coming January will be our last keynote presentation and booth at CES,” Frank Shaw, Microsoft’s corporate vice president of corporate communications, wrote in a Dec. 21 posting on The Official Microsoft Blog. “We won’t have a keynote or booth after this year because our product news milestones generally don’t align with the show’s January timing.”

Microsoft will continue to participate in CES, he added, “as a great place to connect with partners and customers across the PC, phone and entertainment industries.”

At the 2011 CES, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer used his keynote to highlight the company’s forays into the consumer realm, suggesting that the hands-free Kinect controller and Xbox 360 were on the verge of becoming a true household entertainment hub. He also detailed progress of Windows Phone, the company’s smartphone platform.

Heading into that keynote, analysts had expected Ballmer to make some sort of announcement about Windows-powered tablets. He did, following up on an earlier statement that the next version of Windows would support system-on-a-chip (SoC) architecture, including the ARM-based systems popular on mobile devices such as tablets. However, he declined to show off any work in progress, and the tablets present in Microsoft’s booth on the CES show floor were ones running Windows 7 (and meant primarily for the Asian market). It wasn’t until later in 2011 that Microsoft whipped back the curtains from Windows 8, which will appear on a variety of tablets.

Some of those Windows 8 tablets could make their debut during Ballmer’s 2012 CES keynote, currently scheduled for Jan. 9 at 6:30 p.m. in the Palazzo Ballroom of The Venetian hotel and casino. Microsoft could also use that speech (and its booth) to show off the cheap moncler moka sub-gloss black long jackets outlet latest Windows Phone devices running Mango, a wide-ranging software update designed to bring the platform up to parity with Google Android and Apple’s iOS. Microsoft also uses the show as a venue for Xbox-related news.


There has to be some link between the fact

The 17-nation currency advanced toward a one-week high against the dollar after Spain’s borrowing costs fell yesterday when the country sold more than its maximum target of bills. The dollar declined against moncler jackets 14 of its 16 major counterparts on reduced demand for a refuge as Asian equities rallied on signs the U.S. economic recovery is being sustained. The yuan advanced after Premier Wen Jiabao pledged to take measures to bolster exports, fueling optimism over China’s economic growth.

“There has to be some link between the fact that the sovereign supply that’s come onto the market recently has been so well received and what the ECB is doing here,” said Chris Weston, an institutional dealer at IG Markets in Melbourne. “We’ve got a little bit left in this euro rally. We’ll probably see more positive flows,” coming from the long-term refinancing operation, he said.

The 17-nation euro rose 0.2 percent to $1.3110 at 2:32 p.m. in Tokyo from yesterday in New York, when it touched $1.3132, the strongest since Dec. 13. Europe’s shared currency gained 0.1 percent to 101.99 yen. The dollar slid 0.1 percent to 77.80 yen.

Italian and Spanish two-year rates have slipped more than one percentage point since ECB President Mario Draghi announced the unprecedented loans on Dec. 8 as investors bet that banks will use the cash to buy government debt.

Economists forecast banks would seek 293 billion euros ($384 billion), according to the median of 14 estimates in a Bloomberg News survey. Results will be announced today and the loans will start tomorrow.

Funding Needs

“By all accounts, the take-up is expected to be strong and markets would interpret this as positive,” Geoffrey Yu, a currency strategist at UBS AG in London, said in a note to clients. “Not only will some of the funding be recycled back into government debt, but banks would be able to secure financing for the immediate future and ensure financial stability in the coming quarters.”

UBS forecasts the euro will rise to $1.35 cheap moncler winter boots 2011 new style blue purple over the next month and trade at $1.30 in three months time.

Europe’s currency was supported yesterday after Spain sold 5.64 billion euros of three-month and six-month bills, exceeding a maximum target of 4.5 billion euros. The average yield on the three-month debt dropped to 1.735 percent, compared with 5.110 percent when the securities were last issued on Nov. 22.

The euro’s advance pared its decline this year against the greenback to 2 percent. The shared currency has fallen 6 percent against the yen since Dec. 31. The dollar has dropped 4.1 percent versus the yen this year.

The yen was little changed against the dollar after the Bank of Japan left its asset-purchase program unchanged while lowering its assessment of the economy, saying a pick-up has paused. The benchmark interest rate was held at a range of zero to 0.1 percent at the conclusion of a policy meeting today.

The dollar declined against the currencies of Australia and New Zealand as investors sought higher-yielding assets and the MSCI Asia Pacific Index of stocks rose 2 percent.

U.S. Housing

Demand for the greenback was also dented before a report that economists predict will show sales of previously owned homes in the U.S. rose in November. Purchases probably increased 2.2 percent, according to a Bloomberg News survey before data from the National Association of Realtors today.

Better U.S. economic data is unlikely to boost demand for the dollar given the Federal Reserve’s commitment to keeping the key rates near zero through mid-2013, said IG Markets’ Weston.

“We don’t think the good data will translate into dollar inflows especially against the risk currencies,” he said. “It’s likely to benefit the global growth currency trade, so the Aussie is going to be the place to be if we continue to see this data push up.”

The Australian dollar climbed as much as 0.7 percent to $1.0148 the strongest since Dec. 13. New Zealand’s currency gained 0.6 percent to 77.23 U.S. cents.

China’s premier said the nation will stabilize policies on exports, including rebates and capital support to small companies, according to a statement posted on the government’s website yesterday.

Wen’s comments boosted sentiment, said Banny Lam, a Hong Kong-based economist at CCB International Securities Ltd., a unit of China’s second-largest bank. “Inflation is easing but it will still hover at a relatively high level next year. That favors a stronger yuan to lower import prices.”

The yuan gained 0.1 percent to 6.3410 per new arrival moncler 2011 tulsa women jackets white dollar, according to the China Foreign Exchange Trade System. The People’s Bank of China raised the reference rate 0.16 percent to 6.3248, the strongest level since Nov. 9. The currency is allowed to trade 0.5 percent on either side of the daily fixing.


Darvish returns to the Fighters for another season

Major League Baseball announced Monday night that the Hokkaido Nippon Ham Fighters of Japan's Pacific League moncler jackets informed the U.S. commissioner's office that they have accepted the highest bid for Darvish.

That sealed bid was submitted under the posting system by the Rangers, winners of the past two AL pennants. Now, they have 30 days to sign Darvish to a deal.

''Our ownership went the extra mile on this one,'' general manager Jon Daniels said on a conference call.

Daniels would not say how much the Rangers bid for the right to negotiate with Darvish. Several media outlets reported that the posting fee was $51.7 million.

The 25-year-old right-hander is considered the best pitcher in the Japanese professional leagues and several of baseball's biggest spenders were thought to be interested in him.

If the Rangers can close the deal, Darvish would join a rotation that already includes five starters: Colby Lewis, Derek Holland, Matt Harrison, Alexi Ogando and former closer Neftali Feliz, moved out of the bullpen when the club signed free-agent reliever Joe Nathan this offseason.

''If we're able to sign him (Darvish), then we'll have a very good problem on our hands,'' Daniels said.

It's a major move for the Rangers, buoyed by a lucrative television contract and consecutive AL championships under a new ownership group led by Chuck Greenberg and his partner, Hall of Fame pitcher Nolan Ryan. But the team is still chasing its first World Series title - and Texas knows all too well that nothing is done until it is done.

Despite a serious effort, the Rangers were unable to re-sign free-agent ace Cliff Lee following the 2010 season. They made it back to the World Series anyway and were within one strike of winning it all - twice - before the St. Louis Cardinals rallied to take the trophy.

Then the Rangers lost their latest ace, C.J. Wilson, when the left-hander signed a $77.5 million, five-year contract with the AL West rival Los Angeles Angels this month.

''Our commitment of our ownership is to put the best team out there. The last couple of years we just haven't been able to close it out,'' Daniels said.

Bidding for the posting fee closed last Wednesday, and the Ham Fighters had until 5 p.m. EST on Tuesday to accept. The fee will be paid only if an agreement is reached with Darvish's agents, Arn Tellem and Don Nomura.

If no deal is reached, Darvish returns to the Fighters for another season.

''We were pleased to learn that the Texas Rangers were the high bidders for Yu Darvish,'' Tellem said in a statement. ''The Rangers are an extraordinary franchise in an exceptional city with equally exceptional fans. Yu is honored to be men moncler jackets prized so highly and recognized as a once-in-a-generation pitcher. We look forward to getting negotiations under way.''

In an earlier statement, the Rangers said they were ''pleased and excited'' to win the rights to negotiate with Darvish.

''Our organization has scouted Mr. Darvish for the last several years and has been very impressed with his abilities and accomplishments. We believe he would be a great addition to the Texas Rangers pitching staff,'' the team said. ''We look forward to beginning the next step of this process in the very near future.''

Darvish, the son of an Iranian father and a Japanese mother, went 18-6 with a 1.44 ERA last season. He had 276 strikeouts to lead the Pacific League.

The Fighters gave him approval to negotiate with a major league club through the posting system. Daisuke Matsuzaka and Ichiro Suzuki went to the major leagues under the system.

Darvish pitched in the 2008 Beijing Olympics and was a member of the Japanese national team that won the 2009 World Baseball Classic.

The 6-foot-5 Darvish has superb control and throws seven effective pitches, including a two-seam fastball introduced during the 2010 season. It's expected he would make a top-of-the-rotation major league starter.

''Darvish is the No. 1 pitcher in Japan, but we want him to become the ace of the world,'' Nippon Ham team representative Toshimasa Shimada said this month.

Darvish turned pro in 2005 at 18. His professional career got off to a rocky start when he was caught smoking in a pachinko parlor on an off day during his first spring training, despite not being old enough to legally smoke nor to gamble at the time.

After going 5-5 with a 3.53 ERA in his rookie season with the Fighters, Darvish had a breakout year in 2006, going 12-5 with a 2.89 ERA and 115 strikeouts.

In 2007, Darvish won the Eiji Sawamura Award presented to the top pitcher in Japanese professional baseball after posting a 15-5 record with a 1.82 ERA and a league-leading 210 strikeouts.

''Obviously, it's a very exciting night for our organization, our fans and our community,'' Daniels said. ''We're looking cheap moncler jackets for kids for any opportunity to improve our club, not just for next season but for the long term.''

In 2006, Matsuzaka drew a $51.1 million posting fee from the Boston Red Sox, who signed him to a six-year, $52 million contract, taking the total package to more than $100 million.


The forecast comes less than two months after the company predicted a strong increase in earnings

Japan’s Nikkei 225 Stock Average (NKY) declined 1.3 percent. Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 fell 2.4 percent. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng moncler jackets slipped 2 percent and China’s Shanghai Composite Index slid 1.8 percent.

Losses deepened after Yonhap News reported that Kim Jong Il, the second-generation North Korean dictator, died at age 70. South Korea’s Kospi Index sank 3.4 percent.

Futures on the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (SPXL1) lost 0.7 percent today. The index rose 0.3 percent in New York on Dec. 16 as gains by commodity producers overshadowed concerns about the European debt crisis. Fitch Ratings put credit ratings for France, Belgium, Spain, Slovenia, Italy, Ireland and Cyprus under review for a downgrade, saying a “comprehensive” solution to Europe’s crisis is “technically and politically beyond reach.”

“Europe’s situation continues to be tough,” said Kenichi Hirano, general manager and strategist at Tachibana Securities Co. in Tokyo. “We are likely to see more downgrades for government debt and banks. Stocks (MXAP) will take a hit every time that happens.”
Europe Meeting

Shares of financial companies and exporters to Europe dropped on concern their earnings will decline as the region’s sovereign-debt crisis spreads. Finance ministers in the euro region are holding a conference call at 3:30 p.m. Brussels time today to meet a self-imposed deadline to channel additional bailout funds and put together new budget rules to stem the debt crisis and buoy investor confidence.

HSBC fell 2.9 percent to HK$57.15 moncler in Hong Kong. Westpac Banking Corp. (WBC), Australia’s second-biggest lender, dropped 2.2 percent to A$20.05 in Sydney. Samsung Electronics slid 3.6 percent to 1.007 million won Seoul.

Stocks extended losses today even after the U.S. Congress passed a $1 trillion spending bill to avert a government shutdown.
China Home Prices

Chinese developers declined as China’s home prices posted the worst performance this year, with more than half of the 70 biggest cities monitored in November recording declines after the government reiterated plans to maintain property curbs.

China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. (688), the biggest mainland homebuilder listed in Hong Kong, sank 4.2 percent to HK$13.72 in Hong Kong. China Resources Land Ltd. (1109), a state-owned developer, dropped 4.5 percent to HK$12.42. Agile Property Holdings Ltd. (3383), a real-estate company partly owned by JPMorgan Chase & Co., fell 4.2 percent to HK$6.59.

The MSCI Asia Pacific Index lost 18 percent this year through last week, compared with a 3 percent drop by the S&P 500 and a 15 percent loss by the Stoxx Europe 600 Index. Stocks in the Asian benchmark are valued at 12.5 times estimated earnings on average, compared with 12.3 times for the S&P 500 and 10.2 times for the Stoxx 600.

Billabong tumbled 44 percent to A$2.03, poised for its biggest decline on record, after saying first-half profit may fall by as much as 26 percent as sales stalled in three key markets, including Australia, Europe and North America. The forecast comes less than two months after the company predicted a strong increase in earnings.

Gauges of raw-material producers cheap moncler jackets for men and energy companies posted the biggest decline among the 10 industry groups in the MSCI Asia Pacific Index. Crude oil futures traded near a six- week low in New York. Copper, zinc and nickel declined for the first time in three days.


Zynga raised $1 billion in the largest IPO since Google Inc

Zynga Chief Executive Officer Mark Pincus said he arranged the ceremony -- Nasdaq’s first initial public offering bell- ringing in San Francisco -- to help staff feel invested in the IPO process. Moments later,moncler jackets the crowd dispersed.

“The sign of a great company meeting is that a lot of employees are so fired up that they want to go back to work,” Pincus said in a telephone interview, citing a favorite saying of Zynga board member Bing Gordon. “This event was like that -- times 10.”

Under Pincus, Zynga raised $1 billion in the largest IPO since Google Inc. debuted in 2004 -- an event that stands to make many employees rich, at least on paper. His next big challenge is keeping Zynga’s roughly 2,800 staff members focused on crafting the online games that fuel growth.

“I think we’ve kept that startup feeling for people,” said Pincus, a serial entrepreneur who founded Zynga in 2007. “Our values of being metric- and outcome-driven enables us to push down ownership and control and leadership to the team, and I think that they appreciate that.”

Stock Drop

On its first trading day, Zynga fell 5 percent to $9.50 at the close. The developer of games such as “CityVille,” “FarmVille” and “Mafia Wars” sold 100 million shares earlier this week for $10 each, the top end of a proposed range.

Pincus said he wasn’t cheap moncler vest concerned about the stock-price decline. His aim, he said, is achieving long-term value for investors.

“We’re not experts on stock trading and we don’t intend to be,” he said. “This story is going to play out over the next couple of years, not the next couple of trading days.”

Pincus wouldn’t comment on specific plans for the capital raised in the IPO, citing the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s “quiet period” rules around companies going public. He pointed to Zynga’s history of spending hundreds of millions of dollars on data centers.

He also cited acquisitions, including last year’s $53.3 million purchase of Newtoy Inc., maker of the popular game “Words With Friends.” Zynga made 20 acquisitions in 2010 and the first nine months of 2011.

Big Believers

“We’re bigger believers in the future of play and social gaming than any other company, and we wanted to be in a position that we had the resources to invest more in that future than any other company,” Pincus said.

Zynga gets more than 90 percent of its revenue from Facebook Inc. Investor concerns about Zynga’s dependence on the social-networking company may ease over time as it adds users on mobile devices and other platforms, Chief Operating Officer John Schappert said in an interview yesterday.

“We’re very happy to be on Facebook because it is where all our players are playing,” said Schappert, who left Electronic Arts Inc. for Zynga earlier this year. “At the same time, we’re also excited about new platforms. We’ve made big investments in mobile, we’ve grown our mobile user base both on iOS and Android, and we’re also on some of the new emerging platforms like Google+.”

After ringing the bell and conducting interviews with media, Pincus said he intended to spend his Friday afternoon building games.

“I’m spending the rest of the day on our product,moncler jackets for women,” he said. “I believe that that’s what serves investors the best, and I believe that that’s the way it will be rewarded by the market in the long term the best.”


The authors found that purchases of sugary drinks dropped

Sara Bleich, PhD. and team set out to determine how three ways of providing teenagers with calorie data might impact on their purchasing and consumption of sugary drinks. They placed three kinds of different posters:

Calorie poster - moncler jackets one said that a fruit drink has 250 calories
Percentage of daily intake poster - it said that the fruit drink had 10% of their daily recommended calorie need
Physical activity poster - this one informed that they would need to run for 50 minutes in order to use up the calories contained in a fruit drink or soda

The authors found that purchases of sugary drinks dropped by approximately 40% if posters were displayed, compared to providing no information at all.

The physical activity poster had the greatest impact - this reduced sugar-sweetened drink purchases by 50%.

The authors informed that their study is unique in comparing how different types of posters influence teenagers' purchasing habits.

Many teenagers, especially from low-income neighborhoods, are unaware of the calorie-content of manufactured fruit drinks

Sara Bleich, PhD, said:

"Teenagers were less likely to purchase a sugar-sweetened beverage and more likely to select a healthier choice like water after they saw the calorie information signs," said lead researcher Sara Bleich, PhD, discount moncler sale assistant professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health."

The sale of non-calorie or very low-calorie drinks, such as diet soda or water went up from 6.7% of all purchases at the start of the study to 12% to 14% at the end, after the children had been exposed to the posters.

Bleich said:

"This study showed that Black teenagers will use calorie information, especially when presented in an easy- to-understand format, such as a physical activity equivalent, to make healthier choices when it comes to buying a drink at the local corner store. Most consumers underestimate the number of calories in a can of soda, and they often do not realize that such calories can add up quickly."

The posters were placed on four convenience stores. All the stores were near middle/high schools in lower-income neighborhoods in Baltimore city. The majority of residents were African-Americans. The three types of posters were randomly selected and placed in the stores.

According to prior studies, adolescents in the USA consume approximately 300 calories each day from just sugary drinks. Regular sugary drink consumption has been shown to significantly raise the risk of becoming overweight and obese, which in turn increases the individual's chances of developing serious and chronic illnesses, such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

US authorities are currently taking steps to make some food and beverage sellers display calorie information on their products. moncler jackets for men The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) will soon publish final regulations for chain restaurants regarding displaying calorie data next to the price of dishes on their menus, as well as information of total sodium, fat, and other nutritional components.


Al-Watan newspaper said President Assad had issued a decree appointing Mustafa

Wednesday was the second day in a row in which an attack by President Bashar Assad's forces on civilians appears to have brought a quick and deadly act of revenge by anti-regime fighters.moncler jackets The ambush was the latest sign that the once-peaceful protest movement is growing into an insurgency.

The brazen midday attack came hours after troops fired upon a civilian car traveling through the village of Khattab in the countryside of the central province of Hama, killing all five passengers inside.

The vehicle "exploded in a ball of fire," said Rami Abdul-Rahman, director of the British-based Syria">Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which relies on a network of activists on the ground inside the country.

Hours later, he said, gunmen ambushed a convoy of four military jeeps passing through the nearby village of al-Asharna on the northern outskirts of the city of Hama, spraying it with bullets. The gunmen are believed to be military defectors seeking revenge for the dawn attack targeting the car, he said.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the ambush, but the Free Syria">Syrian Army, a Turkish-based defector group, has in the past claimed similar attacks across the country.

Abdul-Rahman and other activists who confirmed the initial car attack did not say why soldiers targeted the vehicle, but security forces frequently hunt for suspects in the restive area.

"The area is a stronghold of dissent where anti-regime protests are routinely held and where there are a number of (army) defectors," he said.

The Local Coordination Committees group said the car was destroyed by a shell fired by the army. A third activist based in Syria">Syria who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal said the car was struck by a hail of bullets.

The differing accounts could not be immediately reconciled.

Activists said 17 cheap moncler jackets other people were believed killed by security forces in Homs, Idlib, Daraa and elsewhere.

The Observatory also reported heavy gunfire in Hirak village in the southern province of Daraa, as troops backed by tanks and armored personnel carriers hunted for activists. Three anti-regime military defectors were wounded in clashes with Syria">Syrian security forces in the area, it said.

The new shootings followed a spike in violence which left 38 dead on Tuesday, mostly in a restive northwestern province bordering Turkey.

The fighting in Idlib province included an ambush by army defectors, who killed seven government troops traveling in a convoy. Activists said the defectors were avenging the shooting of 11 civilians in a nearby village.

A 46-year-old Turkish citizen, Munur Dural, was killed near the northern city of Idlib, Turkey's state-run Anadolu Agency said without citing sources on Wednesday.

NTV television, citing local sources, said Dural was killed Tuesday when he was caught in the middle of a shootout near Idlib. Dural was returning to Saudi Arabia after vacationing in Turkey, the channel added.

There was no immediate comment from Turkey's Foreign Ministry.

The U.N. says more than 5,000 people have been killed since the revolt erupted in March.

Separately, a pro-government newspaper reported Syria">Syria's ambassador to the United States, Imad Mustafa, has been named envoy to China.

Al-Watan newspaper said President Assad had issued a decree appointing Mustafa, who was recalled in October in response to the Washington's withdrawal of U.S. Ambassador Robert Ford from Damascus over security concerns. Ford returned to Syria">Syria last week.

There was no official moncler jackets confirmation from Syria">Syrian authorities of the newspaper report. It was not immediately clear whether the appointment would affect strained relations, or whether it meant Syria">Syria would keep the U.S. post vacant.


Sautner sentenced Lohan to 30 days in jail last month after

Los Angeles County Judge Stephanie Sautner ordered Lohan to appear in court so she can determine whether the actress is keeping up with her probation provisions, including the requirement that she work at least 12 days a month at the county morgue.

"Lindsay was moncler jackets delayed in Hawaii due to a travel-related issue," Lohan spokesman Steve Honig said on Tuesday. "She will be heading back this evening in time to appear in court tomorrow."

The missed flight, however, forced the cancellation of Lohan's interview with talk show host Ellen DeGeneres, which was set to be taped Tuesday.

"Lindsay offered to tape 'Ellen' tomorrow, but the show was unable to shift things around, and tomorrow is their last day of taping for the season," Honig said.

The "Ellen" interview was to be Lohan's only planned appearance to promote her just-published Playboy magazine photo spread.

There is no indication that Lohan, 25, will have any difficulty in court Wednesday, compared with many of her numerous appearances in the past two years.

Sautner sentenced Lohan to 30 days in jail last month after she admitted that she violated her probation on a necklace theft conviction, but the sheriff sent her home after a few hours because of jail overcrowding.

The judge also ordered the actress to work cheap moncler jackets at least 12 days a month at the Los Angeles County morgue until she completes the 53 remaining days on her court-ordered community service. She must also attend 18 psychotherapy sessions.

If the actress stays on track, her probation would be eased March 29, Sautner said. If she doesn't keep up with the requirements, she will serve the additional 270 days behind bars, the judge said.

"This is what we really call putting the keys to the jail in the defendant's hands," Sautner told Lohan.

When Sautner sentenced Lohan to 120 days in jail in May, she ended up serving 35 days of home confinement instead, because of jail overcrowding and state rules that give prisoners credit for good behavior.

Prosecutors said Lohan missed 12 of 20 scheduled workdays at a downtown Los Angeles women's center, part of the court-ordered community service imposed in May when she pleaded guilty to stealing a necklace from a Venice, California, jewelry store.

Lohan, 25, was already on probation for two drunken driving convictions from 2007.

She also canceled 14 of 19 scheduled appointments for court-ordered psychotherapy, they said.

"From what I see of you, you need a structure," Sautner told Lohan last month, instructing her to return to court each month, starting December 14, to show she is complying with the schedule.

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Lindsay Lohan's legal woes, which began four years ago with two drunken driving arrests, have been compounded by her failure to attend counseling classes, and alcohol and drug test failures.


We have jobs and families to support and feed

While Monday's protests attracted far fewer people than the 10,000 who turned out Nov. 2 to shut down Oakland's port, organizers declared victory and promised more demonstrations to come.

"The truckers are still here, moncler jackets but there's nobody here to unload their stuff," protest organizer Boots Riley said. "We shut down the Port of Oakland for the daytime shift and we're coming back in the evening. Mission accomplished."

Organizers hoped the "Shutdown Wall Street on the Waterfront" protests would cut into the profits of the corporations that run the docks and send a message that their Occupy movement isn't finished.

The closures' economic impact, however, wasn't immediately clear.

The longshoremen's union did not officially support the protests, but its membership cited a provision in its contract that allowed workers to ask to stay off the job if they felt the conditions were unsafe.

Some went home with several hours' pay, while others left with nothing.

Oakland Longshoreman DeAndre Whitten was OK with it. "I hope they keep it up," said Whitten, who lost about $500. "I have no problem with it. But my wife wasn't happy about it."

Others, such as the truck drivers who had to wait in long lines as protesters blocked gates, were angry, saying the demonstrators were harming the very people they were trying to help.

"This is joke. What are they protesting?" said Christian Vega, who sat in his truck carrying a load of recycled paper. He said the delay was costing him $600. "It only hurts me and the other drivers.

"We have jobs and families to support and feed," he said. "Most of them don't."

From Long Beach, California, to as far away as Anchorage, Alaska, and Vancouver, British Columbia, protesters beat drums and carried signs as they marched outside port gates.

Rain dampened some protests. cheap moncler jackets Several hundred showed up at the Port of Long Beach and left after several hours.

The movement, which sprang up this autumn in New York against what it sees as corporate greed and economic inequality, is focusing on the ports as the "economic engines for the elite." It comes weeks after police raids cleared out most of their tent camps.

The port protests are a "response to show them that it's going to hurt their pocketbooks if they attack us brutally like that," Riley said.

Protesters are most upset by two West Coast companies: port operator SSA Marine and grain exporter EGT. Investment banking giant Goldman Sachs Group Inc. owns a major stake in SSA Marine and has been a frequent target of protesters.

They say they are standing up for workers against the port companies, which have had high-profile clashes with union workers lately. Longshoremen in Longview, for example, have had a longstanding dispute with EGT, which employs workers from a different union to staff its terminal. The longshoremen's union says the jobs rightfully belong to them.

"Disrupting port activities makes it harder for U.S. manufacturing, the farm community and countless others to sell to customers and contribute to our nation's economic recovery," EGT chief executive Larry Clarke said.

While the demonstrations were largely peaceful and isolated to a few gates at each port, local officials in the longshoremen's union and port officials or shipping companies determined that the conditions were unsafe for workers.

In Oakland, several hundred people picketed before dawn and blocked some trucks from going through at least two entrances.

A long line of big rigs sat outside one of the entrances, unable to drive into the port. Police in riot gear stood by as protesters marched in an oval and carried signs.

Shipping companies and the union agreed to send home about 150 of the 200 morning shift workers. Protesters cheered when they learned about the partial shutdown and then dispersed.

Scott Olsen, the Marine Corps veteran who was struck in the head during a clash between police and Occupy Oakland protests in October, led nearly 1,000 people marching back to the Port of Oakland on Monday evening.

A spokesman for the giubbotti moncler outlet 2012 longshoremen's union said shippers at the port would typically request 100 to 200 workers for the overnight shift but weren't asking for any Monday due to the ongoing protests. Port spokeswoman Marilyn Sandifur said the move would bring nighttime operations to a virtual halt.

In Seattle, police used "flash-bang" percussion grenades to disperse protesters who blocked an entrance to a Port of Seattle facility Monday evening.

In Portland, a couple hundred protesters blocked semitrailers from making deliveries at two major terminals.


Although most candidates disavow the idea now

With their seventh straight win, the Texans (10-3) moved to the threshold of their first playoff berth. They clinched the AFC South title a few minutes later when Tennessee lost to New Orleans.

"It's pretty crazy," Yates said. "A lot of people in this organization have waited a long time for this.moncler jackets This is a special day for this team and this organization."

Cincinnati (7-6) couldn't prevent the Texans from going 80 yards in the closing minutes behind their third quarterback in the past four games.

BACHMANN: "If you look at Newt-Romney, they were for cap-and-trade."

GINGRICH: "Well, Michele, a lot of what you say just isn't true, period. I have never — I oppose cap-and-trade. I testified against it the same day that Al Gore testified for it. I helped defeat it in the Senate through American Solutions. It is simply untrue. ... You know, I think it's important for you, and this is a fair game and everybody gets to pick fights. It's important that you be accurate when you say these things. Those are not true."

THE FACTS: Bachmann's suggestion that Gingrich and Romney are in lockstep was oversimplified. But she was right that Gingrich once backed the idea of capping carbon emissions and letting polluters trade emission allowances.

Asked in a 2007 PBS "Frontline" interview about President George W. Bush's endorsement of mandatory carbon caps in his 2000 campaign, Gingrich said: "I think if you have mandatory carbon caps combined with a trading system, much like we did with sulfur, and if you have a tax-incentive program for investing in the solutions, that there's a package there that's very, very good. And frankly, it's something I would strongly support."

To be sure, Gingrich opposed a Democratic version of cap-and-trade when it was adopted by the House. It died in the Senate. Many Republicans considered it a market-distorting cap-and-tax plan.

Although most candidates disavow the idea now, cap-and-trade once enjoyed substantial Republican support because it sought to use market mechanisms, not the heavy hand of government, to control pollution. Congress in 1990 passed a law with overwhelming bipartisan support that set up a trading system for sulfur dioxide, the main culprit behind acid rain.


ROMNEY: "Let's not forget, only one president has ever cut Medicare for seniors in this country and it's Barack Obama. We're going to remind him of that time and time again."

THE FACTS: Obama is at least the third president to sign cuts in Medicare that were passed by Congress.

The 1990 budget law signed by Republican President George H.W. Bush raised premiums paid by Medicare beneficiaries and cut payments to hospitals, doctors and other providers.

The 1997 balanced budget law signed by Democratic President Bill Clinton scaled back Medicare payments to hospitals, home health agencies, nursing homes and other providers, as well as raising monthly premiums paid by older people. It reduced projected payment rates for doctors, putting in place automatic cuts that Congress routinely has waived ever since.

The law signed by Obama strengthens traditional Medicare by improving preventive care and increasing payments to primary care doctors and nurses serving as medical coordinators, but reduces subsidies to private insurance plans that have become a popular alternative to Medicare.

Obama is cutting about 6 percent of spending from Medicare over 10 years. Clinton and a Republican Congress came up with cuts of 12 percent.


PERRY: "I'm listening to you, Mitt, and I'm hearing you say all the right things. But I read your first book, and it said in there that your mandate in Massachusetts — which should be the model for the country — and I know it came out of the reprint of the book, but, you know, I'm just saying, you were for individual mandates, my friend."

ROMNEY: "You know what, you've raised that before, Rick. And you're simply wrong. ... $10,000 bet?"

PERRY: "I'm not in the betting business but cheap moncler jackets ... I'll show you the book."

ROMNEY: "I've got the book and I wrote the book."

THE FACTS: At issue is a modification Romney made to his 2010 book, "No Apology," when it came out in paperback this year. Perry has several times accused the former Massachusetts governor of cutting a passage that proposed making the health insurance mandate in his state national, as Obama has done with his health care law.

The Texas governor did so again on "Fox News Sunday" when he contended Romney's hardcover edition "clearly stated that individual mandates should be the model for this country and then he took that out of the book in the paperback."

There is little question Romney altered the words to dissociate himself more clearly from Obama's plan. But the book and its excised passage did not call for Romney's plan to go national. At most, it held out the Massachusetts plan as a possible model for some states, not the federal government, while emphasizing that states should find their own solutions.

The book pitched what Romney called his state's achievement, affordable insurance that covers everyone, and said, "We can accomplish the same thing for everyone in the country, and it can be done without letting government take over health care." That came out.

RON PAUL: "We have dumped the debt on the American people through TARP funding as well as the Federal Reserve. So the debt is dumped onto people. And what did we do? We bailed out the people that were benefiting during the formation of the bubble. So as long as we do that, we're not going to have economic growth."

THE FACTS: The $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program was proposed by President George W. Bush and passed by Congress in 2008 to help rescue banks and other imperiled financial institutions. Nearly all of the money has been paid back, with interest.

Most economists credit the program with keeping the financial system from freezing up and helping to prevent the worst recession in 30 years from becoming another Great Depression. The Federal Reserve does not operate on taxpayer money and does not receive any operating funds from the Treasury. In fact, it makes money every year from its banking operations, and turns over profits to the Treasury.

GINGRICH: "In 1993, in fighting Hillarycare, virtually every conservative saw the mandate as a less dangerous future than what Hillary was trying to do. ... After Hillarycare disappeared, it became more and more obvious that mandates have all sorts of problems built into them. People gradually tried to find other techniques. I, frankly, was floundering, trying to find a way to make sure that people who could afford it were paying their hospital bills, while still leaving it out for libertarians to not buy insurance. And that's what we were wrestling with. It's now clear that the mandate, I think, is clearly unconstitutional."

THE FACTS: Gingrich is right that some conservatives, himself included, once supported the idea of requiring everyone to have health insurance, and that they held this view when Hillary Rodham Clinton was leading the White House effort to overhaul the health care system even more broadly.

But his suggestion that he dropped the idea after the Clinton health care overhaul failed is misleading. In recent years, including in his 2008 book, Gingrich endorsed the idea of making people buy health insurance or posting a bond if they wanted to go without coverage, and he contended this year that "all of us have a responsibility to help pay for health care."

ROMNEY: "One, make sure that our employer tax rates are competitive with other nations. They're not now. We're the highest in the world."

THE FACTS: Japan's corporate tax rate is the highest in the world. The U.S. top rate of 35 percent would be second, except that few companies pay the full rate because of a variety of loopholes and tax breaks not available in many other countries.

GINGRICH: "It starts very simply, taxes moncler outlet — lower taxes, less regulation, an American energy plan and actually be positive about people who create jobs. The opposite of the Obama plan, which is higher taxes, more regulation, no American energy and attack people who create jobs with class warfare."

THE FACTS: By "no American energy," Gingrich really meant Obama has not exploited enough American energy in his opinion, but that's how the former House speaker talks, shorn of nuance and often overreaching.

On taxes, the record is more complex than Gingrich suggests in asserting that Obama plots merely to raise them. He is not the only GOP candidate to ignore the hefty tax cuts that Obama has pushed for and achieved, as well as some tax increases.

Overall, as a share of the nation's economy, federal tax revenues are the lowest they've been since 1950.


L'Associated Press ha visto

Il messaggio video diffuso sul sito internet della famiglia Levinson pubblicamente trasformato la misteriosa scomparsa in una situazione di stallo in ostaggio internazionale. Nonostante una lunga indagine, tuttavia, il governo degli Stati Uniti non ha mostrato di che tiene 63 anni, padre di sette figli.giubbottimoncleroutlet2012.com

"Vi preghiamo di inviarci le vostre richieste in modo che possiamo lavorare insieme per portare il mio padre a casa in modo sicuro", dice Levinson, figlio di David, seduto accanto alla madre, Christine.

Il motivo video rappresenta un brusco cambiamento di strategia in un caso che, per anni, gli Stati Uniti trattato come una questione diplomatica piuttosto che una situazione di ostaggio. Christine Levinson, che vive a Coral Springs, in Florida, ha rilasciato molte dichiarazioni pubbliche nel corso degli anni, ma lei di solito li indirizzato al marito mancanti o al governo dell'Iran.

Nel video degli ostaggi, che la famiglia ha ricevuto nel novembre 2010, Levinson implorò il governo degli Stati Uniti per soddisfare le richieste del popolo che lo tengono, che egli non ha identificato.

Il 54-secondo video degli ostaggi ha dimostrato Levinson cercando sparuto ma illeso, seduta di fronte a quello che sembrava essere un muro di cemento. Aveva perso peso considerevole, in particolare nel suo volto, e la sua camicia bianca appesa fuori di lui. Non c'erano segni di maltrattamenti recente. Ma Levinson, che ha una storia di diabete e pressione alta, implorato gli Stati Uniti per aiutarlo rapidamente.

"Sono stato trattato bene. Ma ho bisogno l'aiuto del governo degli Stati Uniti per rispondere alle richieste del gruppo che mi ha tenuto per tre anni e mezzo", dice Levinson. "E vi prego di aiutarmi a tornare a casa."

La sua voce si indebolisce e si rompe mentre parla della "mia bella, amore mio, mia moglie fedele, Christine", così come i suoi figli e suo nipote giubbotti moncler 2012 outlet.

"Non sono in ottima salute", dice. "Sono in esecuzione molto presto per la medicina per il diabete."

L'Associated Press ha visto il video subito dopo è arrivato l'anno scorso, ma non immediatamente riferire perché il governo degli Stati Uniti ha detto così facendo complicherebbe gli sforzi diplomatici per portare a casa Levinson.Come un negozio di Moncler online, siamo un rivenditore professionale, offrendo a buon mercato Moncler piumini e giubbotti, scarpe, borse, sciarpe e berretti per uomo, donna e bambino. La nostra distribuzione copre tutto il mondo, tra cui Italia, Stati Uniti, Regno Unito, Svizzera, Canada, Australia, Olanda, Francia, Svezia, Lettonia, Germania e così via. è possibile acquistare 2012 Moncler piumini e giubbotti, scarpe uomo Moncler, stivali invernali per le donna, borse Moncler, foulard e cappucci online a un prezzo a buon mercato, fino al 70% di sconto, spedizione gratuita. Ci sono anche grandi promozioni ogni mese su giubbottimoncleroutlet2012.com! Acquista più, risparmiare di più! Godetevi il vostro inverno 2011 con MONCLER!


I due sostenitori di Romney

L'ex presidente della Camera è "più preoccupato per Newt Gingrich di quello che è sui principi conservatori", ha detto l'ex governatore del New Hampshire John Sununu, un sostenitore Romney. Giubbotti moncler - moncler uomo, moncler donna, piumini moncler outlet 2012.

Ha aggiunto l'ex senatore del Missouri Jim Talent, Gingrich è "in esecuzione come un leader affidabile e di fiducia conservatore. Quello che stiamo qui a dire, con riluttanza, ma chiaramente non è un affidabile, leader affidabile e conservatore perché non è un leader affidabile e sicuro . "

I due sostenitori di Romney, l'ex governatore del Massachusetts, ha parlato con i giornalisti in una conferenza telefonica organizzata dalla campagna di Romney.

Ad scaglia Gingrich

Allo stesso tempo, Romney si mise a correre 30 secondi di spot televisivo in Iowa e New Hampshire, che lo contrasta con Gingrich, che è stato sposato tre volte e aveva relazioni extraconiugali.

"Penso che la gente capire che io sono un uomo di fermezza e costanza. Non credo che stai andando a trovare qualcuno che ha più di questi attributi di me", dice Romney. "Sono stato sposato con la stessa donna per 25 - mi scusi, vado a prendere nei guai -.. Per 42 anni sono stato nella stessa chiesa tutta la mia vita ho lavorato presso una società, Bain, per 25 anni . E ho lasciato che per andare via e contribuire a salvare i Giochi Olimpici.

"Se sono presidente degli Stati Uniti, sarò fedele alla mia famiglia, alla mia fede e al nostro paese", dice.

Il Gingrich-bashing è venuto come un nuovo sondaggio Quinnipiac University negli Stati indecisi della Florida, Ohio e Pennsylvania ha mostrato Gingrich con cavi più grandi Romney.

Romney sentieri anche male in Iowa, secondo i sondaggi diversi, e ha perso terreno nel New Hampshire, dove il suo vantaggio si è ridotto di considerevoli dimensioni. Iowa tiene prima votazione della nazione GOP presidenziali in caucus il 3 gennaio, e New Hampshire tiene la prima elementare una settimana dopo. Giubbotti Moncler outlet, moncler economici giù cappotti in vendita. Qui si possono acquistare 2012 piumini moncler per uomo, donna e bambino ad un prezzo a buon mercato. Vendiamo anche scarpe moncler, stivali, borse, sciarpe e berretti. Tutti spedizione gratuita.

Piano di bilancio ha attaccato

L'anti-Romney, Gingrich offensiva a ondate Giovedi. La prima volta l'annuncio, poi addetti stampa di Romney ha inviato una dichiarazione dal titolo "Con amici come Newt, che ha bisogno la sinistra?" E 'incluso un elenco di citazioni Gingrich discussione controverso piano di bilancio il presidente della commissione Bilancio Camera Paul Ryan.

Ryan, R-Sap., Dopo aver proposto di cambiare Medicare 2021 in modo che la gente ottenere contributi federali per aiutarli a comprare una copertura privata. La Camera ha approvato il piano di bilancio di Ryan all'inizio di quest'anno, ma democratici che controllano il Senato non lasciarlo andare oltre.

Nel mese di maggio, Gingrich ha detto nella serie della NBC "Meet the Press" che il piano di Ryan per cambiare Medicare era "cambiamento radicale" e "di destra ingegneria sociale". Gingrich poi ammorbidito le osservazioni un po ', dicendo che ci sono stati pezzi del piano di Ryan gli piaceva e alcuni non lo fece.

Rep. Ron Paul, repubblicano del Texas, utilizza la critica Gingrich del piano di Ryan in un spot televisivo attacco in esecuzione in Iowa Gingrich che accusa di "ipocrisia di serie moncler jackets."


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